They are old Malay couple whom had married for 37 years, when first i recommended some pefumes to them, his wife love one of the perfume "New Ego" , however the man don't like the men fragrance of "New Ego". But finally he decided to go for the men fragrance when i told him the fragrance was a couple perfume with the one in which his wife are going to buy. Therefore at the end he go for the one he don't really like it pretty much but simply because he want to be with his wife whom had spent 37 years with him, who share the hapiness and tears with him in his life. I felt touched after listened to them.
I guess sometimes its so hard to find the one you can really trust in and spend the whole life with, there are so many challenges we need to face with, it hard to find the one you can really pay your fully love and share tears with, especially like the wife who willing to share 37 years with the man she in love with, and yup of course like the old man who decided to buy a couple perfume because he just want to be with his lovely wife...
That is one thing i like about, my job is not only selling perfume, but sometimes i do try to understand the customers and get to know the reason they buy the perfumes. For me i guess sometimes perfume is not only perfume, there are so many touching story behind of the fragrance that we might don't even get to know, so lovely! Against this is one of the reasons i like about part-time job as a perfume promoter, i do feel happy when customers satisfy with the perfume that i recommend to them and they do appreciate my job. Some customers buy a perfume for the one they in love with, someone might use perfume when they missing someone special (and ya i do sometimes), someone might use perfume to attract a person, some people are even crazy for perfume and ya at least i met some customers who crazy perfume like a hell haha~
I like perfume, especially the lovely story behind of every single perfume, i use perfume for some of reasons. As one of my favourite perfume "Lancome Miracle", i use it because i do believe so, we can create our own miracle in one day, I guess everyone use perfume for a different reason. And ya perfume always cheer me up~Perfume are always good to smell!
Happy 37 Wedding Anniversary to the old couple!
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