1st day of training, i learned how to scoop ice cream and serve customer, i guess i will never know working as Baskin31Robbins waitress is such a big knowledge, why i am saying this way? Haha first you got to learn how to scoop the ice cream in the right serving size, there are two different size, junior cup must be equal to 70 gram while regular cup should be serve in 110gram. And also i learned how to make a cream as a topping for the ice cream. Dare to say, my hands was so pain after 1st day of working. You know what, i will never know some of ice creams can be so extremely hard to scoop, i got to use more power to scoop it. Wow what the hell ya man haha~
One thing glad about is my collegues, Din and Bryan, also our assistant manager, Kak Su are quite friendly yet easy going, at least i believe i will enjoy working with them. Maybe i will work here until next year, luckily they makes my days. They are willing to teach and share with me. haha oh ya all of them are USM students also, waiting for their upcoming convocation on this coming August.
What else i can talk about? I only know that i will be more busier after this as my first class will be started on tomorrow while i need to work at the same time, don't even have time to do my own stuff, a word to decribe my life: TIRED!!! Well anyway money go first, it will be a tired life for the whole semester especially when the whole bunch of stupid assignments bump into me haha~
Hey yo gal, better take a bath and go for bed, tomorrow will be another busy day! Your body keep complaining they are god damn tired, their machine almost getting jam! Crazy working person in the crazy world!!! She wish only she could as tough as robot. Where is the brightness smile on your face? Hey did you hear me?@_@
Peace out!!!
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