A Doorlock Story
The story started when I found my door can't really lock properly when i checked it yesterday, i am so careless that i didn't realized it before, Yeah this is Suzanne-Not to deny she used to be careless all the time. I called my landlord and she felt weird as the doorlock just fixed by my Indian housemate's bf, how come ler?
Well i decided to call a carpenter to come and fix it for safety reason. The auncle is pretty much helpful, he helped me to fix it and do tell me honestly that the old doorlock is in poor quality and they didn't fixed it properly before, thats why it broken now. He knew i need to share the costs of doorlock's repair with landlord so he only charged me the doorlock's $, much appreciate and much thanks to him!
Before that i was a bit angry about my housemate as they probably hv keep my doorkey as well, and they don't have credibility in certain things in which i found it's so true after i live with them for almost 2 months. But i always keep on open-minded as i know there is no use to care about it, the only thing is i scare they has my doorkey and enter my room when i was not around. Anyway i managed to fix a new doorlock and thanks to carpenter auncle who willing to tell me the truth after i keep asking and annoying him for couple times...
I tried to treat him RM1 for a cup of coffee as i really don't hv much to give him, he rejected it and asked me to keep it. I guess one of the reasons he rejected the Rm1offer is because of he saw i am wearing Baskin31Robbin's T-shirt and he praised me for my hardwork.
What i am trying to say here is, sometimes things are so contrast.
"My poor housemate who fixed a poor doorlock for me VS. A kind carpenter who charged me for lower repair fee and rejected my RM 1 offer"
After all it's all about the way you think, thats all about life!
Some thoughts from my friend, Jen's blog
" I believe that the world is how you think of,
If you see it as bad, the it's hell,
If you see it as good, then's its heaven,
Heaven isn't just about happiness, but together with sorrows, make up a beautiful life!"
If you see it as bad, the it's hell,
If you see it as good, then's its heaven,
Heaven isn't just about happiness, but together with sorrows, make up a beautiful life!"
You got the point of views my friend, Happiness and Sorrows together make up the beautiful life!
All the obstacles, challenges in our life is great, sorrows do so coz it's make up the life.
Well said !!!I ain the formula for our life should be as below:
Beautiful Life= Happiness+SORROWssss
"Saucy(a nickname given by my Canadian's roomate) I Miss You" haha oh Yeah thats was Jess bumped into me through MSN, it was so long no one call me Saucy since i been back in Malaysia, except Jess, a Canadian who live with me for a great sem. Til now i still remember the first time we met each other is in such a funny situation, she was so blurrr as she is sleeping on that time.
Jess told me she don't go out and get drunk as often which is really good for her. Sometimes people often get drunk is because they want to run away from problems, which it makes sense to me. But i guess after all you still need to deal with it. Thanks god she is better now...
She used to be great one, as we used to be the same, study and catch up things at last minutes, and "Xiao Xiao" all the time haha...and i know how sad she is when she spoiled her relationship with someone she really love in...She do teach me Penis haha to improve my English, i'll always remember that...She is a friendly Canadian roomate i had during my stay in Canada.
I sincerely hope she will have a great future, she is studying nursing. Oh my god you can't believe a Rockz girl like Jess is a potential nurse haha, i am sure she will be the Rocks ever nurse in Canada haha~
It's always my great ever dream to backpack around the world. For me i always believe that walk mile away is better than study tons of stupid textbooks in order to open up your mind, i'll keep on adventure in my whole life, "See the things you do as Adventure and It's will become one", sure i will become one!!!
Honestly i don'hv $ to go for far further place to explore the world, so i decided to go oversea (nearest place and still counted as foreign countries: Yeah thats is Thailand and Singapore). The only probs to go on backpack, is to get permission from my dad and of course

Thailand & Singapore, I am coming!!!

All about "Xiao Xiao" People I Met so far
Thanks to those people who created MSN and bring such a great tech communication into this beautiful world, thanks God i managed to have a sampat talk with Phoebe through MSN most of the time! The Sampat girl, Phoebe told me it's always good to have a flashback at those good ole times, yes sure i totally agreed with you!But when i was thinking back ya, oh my godness i guess i met all those "Xiao Xiao" people during my stay in Canada and became best friend with them, first of all i met with "Xiao Xiao" photographer and song writer, then i met with Teng Sai,sampat girls, Phoebe Au and Bernen(also well-known as Yue Ping Nen haha), continued by Gail, another "XiaoXiao" Taiwanese, plus my Canadian roomate, Jess also one of those "XiaoXiao" gang and thats why we can live together and "Xiao" together, "Xiao"Peter from Sarawak who travelled to Vancouver with me and interpreted Gas Town in Vancouver as "Guess Town"haha. Walau eh! How come i have such a Good Luck to meet with all those "Xiao Xiao" people in a short time and became best friend with them???
I think i got the answer: Erm...I am also "XiaoXiao" all the times and i guess i am also one of them who belong to "XiaoXiao"group!!!...=D
hi there. jus wana said that ur blog is cool...haha...actually im 1 of phoebe's fren oso...secondary fren...nah not talking bout her anyway, i mean not bad for u, cos ur a girl that want to make all ur dreams come true, just envy bout u, backpacking travel. is dat u that backpack with phoebe that time she mentioned that she n her frens go taiwan...anyway i oso got abit interested to backpacking travel...haha...never been oversea n didnt have a passport oso. when r u going backpacking? can i join...hahah
Hi Andrew, thanks for enjoy reading my blog!
For me not to deny dreams do lie sometimes, But at least i want to do what i feel right and live to the fullest of my life...
Backpack around the world is not a dream, if other backpackers can do it sure we can do it, "No dreams is too high for those with their eyes in the sky", i'll backpack to explore the world as long as i am still Alive!!!
I am not the one who went to Taiwan with Phoebe, i went to Taiwan before Phoebe, and even hv a days to backpack before meet up with my Taiwanese friend, All i can tell you is backpack is just Awesome, once you do it you will figure out backpack is really lots of fun! I guess the real meaning of travel is not kinda follow those stupid travel group and follow the group leader intruction and get back to the group on time and depart to other destination,it's seems stupid to me. Backpack is flexible and so free!!!this is the real meaning of travel Yeah!
Planning to go on Indonesia/Thailand and Singapore after this, again what i can ever says is guy you should do it if you have chance!
Good Luck in explore the world...=D
ya,i was hoping that i have a chance like u. but i never travel anywhere b4, how am i gonna start? besides my gang of fren oso think not that interested in backpacking, i mean how u all survive? can u tell me how u backpack travel for the first time? u go alone? i just wana go somewhere....! not kl liao...man sick of my life...work work work...! damn it...sorry if ur offended..jus wana release some of my frustration....hehe dun mind ho? ur a christian?
actually i was planning to go somewhere this coming hari raya cos this is the only chance that i can go somewhere after chinese new year....was planning to go penang cos never been there b4...n dun hav passport so cant go far sommore money ler...? haha...so envy of u all...!
Not to deny not everyone are interested in backpacking, esp for those who are tight to family bond or hell working life...
I backpack to Vancouver with one of my friends, we do tried to get some info from friends who been there before, then we took a map and walked around the town,the feeling is jz awesome! really miss the good ole times soooo much!!!
I been to Tainan, Taiwan to backpack for a day. I jz walked around without any detail plan before hand, coz i jz wanna take a free breath. Be free and be flexible when backpack around, this is the purpose of backpack...=D
To asnwer your question, i don't mind and feel free to release ur feeling, and i am not Christian, i am more to free thinker.
Yup Penang is a good destination to walk around i guess, actually backpack in Malaysia is very inconvenience compare to oversea, coz all the road signs and transportation guide is not clear after all.
Not to deny $ is the important factor when we plan to travel somewhere else, but backpack to Indonesia or Thailand won't costs a lot of money, as long as you plan it in advance. For example transportation and meals only costs you about RM30 per day.Feel free to click on Backpacker's Links (Its all on my side bar, right hand side) to search for some backpacker's info if you wish to do so.
Try not to be one of them who tight to workind life and only knows to work til death from day til night, i am still trying also(i am the one who struggling between $(or actual life) and dreams also), after all our life is jz gone like that,its hard but no harm in trying...
Let's hv fun explore the world!
Good Luck!
hey there, sorry for replying your comment late. was just too lazy to online nowdays due to my sickening pc and slow connection...yea...still using dial up, no broadband or wi fi oso...wana reply ur fren email phoebe oso lazy...haih...u know wat? i think im going to make it happen for me if my fren is now joining me to penang this raya holiday haha...wish me luck...duno how to start oso...
by the way where's ur update..? anticipating ur 'thought of the day' updates...haaha...take care n good luck
Hello Andrew Cha, sorry for reply you this late! Aiyoooo boss nowadays no people use dial-up liao lor, damn slow!!haha~
Oh ya good to hear that u will backpack to Penang, currently i am busy with my freaking final exams, otherwise we might backpack together around Penang haha, Backpacker ALIVE!!!
Don't worry, jz be free, back ur stuffs and go around with map, do little survey about the famous place or foods before u go, and i wanna recommend Penang Road "Cendol" to you, damn nice one, you must hv a try, Penang road is easy to find, jz ask people in case you don;t know how to get there!
Looking forward to hear your feeling/experience after the Penang backpack trip!
Andrew gambate for the trip!!!Backpacker Go Go Go!!!
Good Luck and hv fun guy~=D
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