Well today i had a busy and great day, i hv done whole bunch of xtvts,Oopsss what's i had done today is:
- Brought my newly met friend, Andrew (he is PBee friend actually) to travel around Penang downtown from 9 morning til 12 noon. I took quite a lot of pics haha, can't wait til free to post it up here, esp we decided to take a pic of Penang famous Phuah Chu kang cendol to make Phoebe jealous of it hehe, how naughty we are hehe~
It was a great meeting to this newly met friend, Andrew.He is quite friendly and both of us went to Penang Road where is nearby downtown to buy some "tao sa peng" as souvenir, and haha we did a "Trishaw ride", oh ya i never hv trishaw ride before, and when i was too lazy to walk back to Bayview hotel to get into Andrew's car, Andrew jz came out with a sentence "let's go with it", haha then we had our trishaw ride, pretty CoOL hehe and i found out this guy is easy going which is good to hang out with. Coz only "kuai lou" will hv trishaw ride in Penang but not local haha~
- then i went to work directly til 8pm
- Now sitting at home to do some blogging and do some blog reading as usual
- Oh ya today i received oversea call from Phoebe dear, haha she felt surprised why i'll meet up with her friend, Andrew. Haha as you said lor my dear friend, the world is very small haha. Thanks for calling, it's so happyyyyyy to hear from ya~
- Last but no least, i hv to go for bed early as tmr will be very busy to catch up tons of study, plus feel sleepy coz got heavy fever, anyway today's hv lots of things happened which makes me feel so happy ya esp when the time received Phoebe's call ya~It so great to hear from a "Sampat girl" who far miles away from you but still remember who you're. Friends always there to cheer you up~
- Ok Zanne shall stop here, almost ran out of energy, til then wanna share a meaningful story i found on my friend, tiensheng's blog~
年輕人就會出現,他會陪女孩說說話 ,或是逗女孩開心.
原來女孩希望用時間來沖淡年輕人對自己的感情 ,
她心想,一天夾1個娃娃, 最快也要三個多月之後才有100個,
就這樣1 天,2天,3天..,年輕人的娃娃數量不斷的累積,而女孩刻意與年輕人保持距離的結果,
可惜的是,年輕人始終沒出現, 只剩下那台沒人使用的娃娃機.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
For you~
Finally i sent you a sms to say thanks for ur previous greeting, i don't know where ya comes the bravery? Anyway i did it and i feel release after doing so, thanks for telling me you're the luckiest guy and we became friend now, at least i don't wanna lost a friend like you, you know what i am talking about if you see this. Sincerely hope your life going well, Eugene. Someone here always wish you the best!
A song which i wanna share with you, it's a latest song from JayChou, the lyric is meaningful though you may don't understand what it's talk about, anyway the song is dedicated to you, my forever friend~
No hate, No pain after this, there will be only sincere wish to a luckiest guy on the earth~
"我知道我们都没有错 只是放手会比较好过最美的爱情回忆里待续..."
A song which i wanna share with you, it's a latest song from JayChou, the lyric is meaningful though you may don't understand what it's talk about, anyway the song is dedicated to you, my forever friend~
No hate, No pain after this, there will be only sincere wish to a luckiest guy on the earth~
"我知道我们都没有错 只是放手会比较好过最美的爱情回忆里待续..."
Monday, October 23, 2006
Some side stories~
A song
First of all i wanna share this Indonesia's song with everyone, the song was introduced to me by Kak Su, my assistant manager at Baskin, damn nice, don;t know since when i feast into Indonesia's song haha. Anyway the MTV condemn to death haha~Indonesian Duet - My Heart
Baskin's Babies
Oh ya i should find a time to take pic with all Baskin's babies and post it up here, my colleagues are just too lovely yet funny, hehe they all sampat one and it's really good to know them in this sem, thanks for the happiness we had shared together so far!Esp Irene, my senior who always with her big big cheerful smile and keep on positive thinking! Great to know her! We promised to backpack together if got chance! Also there is a nice-looking guy who called Shek, enjoy working with him, i means ya at least it's always good to work with a handsome guy*LOL*
Here are some pics i grabbed from Jack, Dreamglass and Irene's site~More Baskin's babies coming soon after this~
Thanks for teached me a lot~

Yeah we are best team to work together~
Baskin's babies Rockz
I have no idea about one of the final exam's subject, it's really hard coz i need to memorize all the stupid communication theory which drives me crazy! It's hard to memorize but i hv to do it this time. I always like to understand what i read about and write it down using my own point of view, i think this is the joy and the purpose of study, i do it all the times but i'll death if i do it in this course*sob**sob*Anyway gotto memorize it, i am bad in doing this~My soul on Photography!!!
I always like to shot and watch great shots during my leisure time, and i got to know the disadvantages of DSLR through some of my photo gang and website. So what i gonna do is, Hehe i am planning to trade in my prosumer camera Panasonic FZ-5 and upgrade to DSLR level, probably Canon EOS 350D or EOS 400D. Of course i need money in order to do so.By the way i had done some surveys about DSLR and one of the traditional camera shop auncle agreed that i can trade in my old cam with RM800, which is really a good deal coz i bought it for RM 1100 nia, and i lost only a few hundreds if do so, so currently i am starting to save money, trying hard to get a job and work for the big big days such as Deepavali, Raya and Chinese New Year to get double/triple paid salary to get a DSLR haha, i know i am crazy in changing camera, but this is my main hobby hehe excluded travelling...At least i need to have another RM2000 to get a DSLR, hopefully i can get it by next year...I no need a new clothes, i no need a cosmetics blah blah, all i need is a DSLR!!! And i found it's really true, you must hv a good shooting gear in order to become a good photographer~What you can do with DSLR is:
Choose the focus point, which bring more joys of photography
DSLR helps you to shot what you really see through the viewfinder in which this can't be done with normal digi cam... and lots more of DSLR advantages!
My blog looks lousy for me, i don;t hv time to improve it and upload more pics for the time being due to exams reason, sure i gonna improve it and make it better after my stupid finals hehe, i can't wait to give my blog a new face coz my blog is my lovely home*LOL*~And there are still lot of things to be done after my final, remain busy as usual...=D
Can't wait til Singapore for a rest...=D
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Thank You my dear friends~
Just wanna say Thank You to everyone who always there to support and cheer me up, esp PBee, Ah Nen and Ah Gail ya, you guys are lovely!!!
PBee: Thanks for ur lovely support, sometimes i jz need a place to utter and release my tension, my blog is my place to "qi siao" haha yet release my feelings~
I feel better now after lay on my bed for more than 12hours, now i know what to do, i'll catch up as much as i can, now i hv a fresh mind D muackz thanks ya!
P/S: Now PBee know how to type Chinese lor, i am proud of you! Keep up the good job and i'll work hard as the way you work hard to learn Chinese...I live in U too baby...=D
Ah Nen: Congrat Ah Nen finally she finished her resume liao lor haha, aiyooo don't said like that my dear friend, everyone sure hv their own skills, the only things is you might need times to figure out what's your skills, patient is one of your skills hehe, honestly!
And thanks for all the lovely friendship messages that i receive almost every single day haha, always happy to hear from you!
Ah Gail: Oh ah Gail thanks and I'll remember that what you told me "Mission is Possible", thanks for your encouragement and lot of miss my dear friend, wish you Good Luck over there~
Don't worry my friends, i feel better now and i'll try my best, it's time to wake up and catch up all the books, Go Go Go Ole Ole Ole!!!
I'll keep all the lovely encouragements in heart, as you guys always in my heart~
Monday, October 16, 2006
Days full of stress!!!
At this moment i am totally stressed out, final exams coming soon on 1 Nov and i jz can't help it, i hv to catch up tons of stupid textbooks and i jz not in the right mood to study. I hate myself being like this, where is the spirit of study, where is the energy of life? I feel myself like a fool now, crying for no reason...
I hv no place to release my tension, true friends are not here anymore, i hv no place to turn to and again, i feel like i need a cigarette, i am so weak and i am jz a poor girl after all,
As Bernice said, i hv no mood in study and she has no mood in her life, life sucks and ya i know how you feel, if you're here i really wanna give you a big hug buddy...
The day almost gone and i did nothing, i jz let go my time, stressed out and really can't study at this moment, i feel like death now, reading my buddy's blog and know that phoebe is not really good though, she got sick, everyone seems going wrong...
Again i ate a lot, this is my self-punishment, i used to do that when i am totally stress out, then i feel like vomit, suddenly i miss my family, esp my dad for no reasons, i feel sorry coz he put lots of confidence on me, and i jz so weak suddenly, No No No this is not what i want and dad i know i can't let you down, i must be tough as you used to be, at least i hope i'll try to be tough when i think of you, Ah Zanne cannot be like this, I wanna be your excellent daugther forever...
Sorry i turn to cigarette again,
better finish it and take a bath to refresh my mind
then back on my study for stupid final
Don't give up
Keep going and you'll get there stupid girl~
I hv no place to release my tension, true friends are not here anymore, i hv no place to turn to and again, i feel like i need a cigarette, i am so weak and i am jz a poor girl after all,
As Bernice said, i hv no mood in study and she has no mood in her life, life sucks and ya i know how you feel, if you're here i really wanna give you a big hug buddy...
The day almost gone and i did nothing, i jz let go my time, stressed out and really can't study at this moment, i feel like death now, reading my buddy's blog and know that phoebe is not really good though, she got sick, everyone seems going wrong...
Again i ate a lot, this is my self-punishment, i used to do that when i am totally stress out, then i feel like vomit, suddenly i miss my family, esp my dad for no reasons, i feel sorry coz he put lots of confidence on me, and i jz so weak suddenly, No No No this is not what i want and dad i know i can't let you down, i must be tough as you used to be, at least i hope i'll try to be tough when i think of you, Ah Zanne cannot be like this, I wanna be your excellent daugther forever...
Sorry i turn to cigarette again,
better finish it and take a bath to refresh my mind
then back on my study for stupid final
Don't give up
Keep going and you'll get there stupid girl~
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Check out my IMAGE
Took this series of shots last week when i was to attend a backpacker's talk with teacher Kim, Evelyn and Jen, all of them are exchange students and extended their sem same as me...=D
Now i starting to use Manual mode to shot a better pics, as si fu Teng always said Manual contribute to the best, Yeah!Now i know what's the different between Manual and Auto! Thanks~
Check out my photo page at Suzanne Photokaki (jz click on it and you will get there) under the title IMAGE!
Hope to shot more better pics after this!...=D
Now i starting to use Manual mode to shot a better pics, as si fu Teng always said Manual contribute to the best, Yeah!Now i know what's the different between Manual and Auto! Thanks~
Check out my photo page at Suzanne Photokaki (jz click on it and you will get there) under the title IMAGE!
Hope to shot more better pics after this!...=D
My mooncake buddy: Yue Ping Nen

Since Ah Nen back to JB and back to online, i wanna write something about my dear mooncake friend hehe...
She is friendly esp i like her big big cheerful smile
She is witch coz she talks about (beh tahan)
She is good coz she is patient enough
She is yue ping nen coz she sell lot of mooncake haha
(don't siao siao she sell branded mooncake ler hehe)
She is good listener to hear my feelings and share my tears
She is great buddy to keep forever
She is nice and she love her family
She is tough in her heart even though she don't really speak it out
Since then
I hope you'll tough and don't give up
in hunting a good jobs ya
Like the way you conquerred the mountain...=P
Gambate, my buddy!!!...=P
Keep going, you'll get there!
Who ler???
She is crazy but she aint abnormal
She is sarcastic but she is nice
She is dirty minded but she is funny
She have bad temper but she is patient (sometimes)
She has a big face but she is cute
She is fat but she is happy
She is stubborn but she is good
She is silly but she is hardworking
She is boring person but she is funny
She dont speak fluent english but she is friendly
She don't like to study but she always work hard
She is lonely but she like to live alone
She need someone caring but she pretend to be cool all the time
She is confident but she lost sometimes
She is not expert in shooting but she love to shot very much
She don't need much friends but she trust her best friends and she know who they are
She always feel stress most of the time but she'll try her best
She always run out of $ but she is still Alive on the earth
She don't really well in express herself in daily life but she express herself better online
AND she is online now...
Who ler???
She like people to call her: Ah Zanne...P
She is sarcastic but she is nice
She is dirty minded but she is funny
She have bad temper but she is patient (sometimes)
She has a big face but she is cute
She is fat but she is happy
She is stubborn but she is good
She is silly but she is hardworking
She is boring person but she is funny
She dont speak fluent english but she is friendly
She don't like to study but she always work hard
She is lonely but she like to live alone
She need someone caring but she pretend to be cool all the time
She is confident but she lost sometimes
She is not expert in shooting but she love to shot very much
She don't need much friends but she trust her best friends and she know who they are
She always feel stress most of the time but she'll try her best
She always run out of $ but she is still Alive on the earth
She don't really well in express herself in daily life but she express herself better online
AND she is online now...
Who ler???
She like people to call her: Ah Zanne...P
熟悉的陌生人, 希望你过得比我好...
熟悉的陌生人, 希望你过得比我好...
Friday, October 06, 2006
This is humour sentences i found outside of my lecturer door, it's funny but it's true! People need to work SMART in order to get promoted from the superior, it's so true!!! I am still learning how to work and study SMART haha~
Dear boss:
People who do lots of work...
make lots of mistakes
People who do less work...
make less mistake
People who do not work...
make no mistake
People who make no mistakes...
get promoted
That's why I spend most of my time sending emails and playing games at work.
I need a promotion.
Dear boss:
People who do lots of work...
make lots of mistakes
People who do less work...
make less mistake
People who do not work...
make no mistake
People who make no mistakes...
get promoted
That's why I spend most of my time sending emails and playing games at work.
I need a promotion.
A boy love a girl...
This is forwarded message from my friend, Hui Qi. Its touched my heart, thanks huiqi for sharing the nice story~
A girl talking to her BF by the roadside:
Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?
Boy: No...
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really...
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: Nope
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: Hell No...
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: Of coz no...
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No...
Girl: What would you choose: your life...or me?
Boy: I choose My Life
The girl runs away with such shock and pain in her heart but the boy run after her and shouted loudly....
"The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind...
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you...
The reason I don't want you is because I need you...
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left me...
The reason wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you...
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you...
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life..."
A girl talking to her BF by the roadside:
Girl: Do I ever cross your mind?
Boy: No...
Girl: Do you like me?
Boy: Not really...
Girl: Do you want me?
Boy: Nope
Girl: Would you cry if I left?
Boy: Hell No...
Girl: Would you live for me?
Boy: Of coz no...
Girl: Would you do anything for me?
Boy: No...
Girl: What would you choose: your life...or me?
Boy: I choose My Life
The girl runs away with such shock and pain in her heart but the boy run after her and shouted loudly....
"The reason you never cross my mind is because you're always on my mind...
The reason why I don't like you is because I love you...
The reason I don't want you is because I need you...
The reason I wouldn't cry if you left is because I would die if you left me...
The reason wouldn't live for you is because I would die for you...
The reason why I'm not willing to do anything for you is because I would do everything for you...
The reason I chose my life is because you ARE my life..."
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
This guy hv lots of love songs which is always good to turn to, the song touch people heart esp for those who fail in love i guess, maybe listen to those song is one of the ways to recover from painful ,i don't know but maybe it's true...Some people used to do in this way...
"You love him so much but why don't you keep him by your side,
why you let him go,
why don't you speak out the words in your heart..."
It's right but is that love is so easy to keep by doing this? We might easy to fall for someone but it always take time to forget about him/her, if yes i can totally forget you in a minutes i ain't truely fall for you...I guess i'll never understand love or i ain't belong to love???...=D
I still remember what bro Teng shared with us last time, he said that we will only appreciate what love is and know the meaning of love when we are alone, bro teng seems complicated in dealing his relationship will all the girls but bro you're right, sometimes you got the point!
Sometimes it is good to be alone, and honestly i respect those who live alone without struggling themselves into complicated relationship, they still can live up their days and know how to love themself. For those who are alone, it doesn't means that they are lonely, simply because those people know that they must know how to love themselves before they learn how to love others in the world...Much respect to them!!!=D
Love is just like a flame, HOT but easy to get hurt!!!
"You love him so much but why don't you keep him by your side,
why you let him go,
why don't you speak out the words in your heart..."
It's right but is that love is so easy to keep by doing this? We might easy to fall for someone but it always take time to forget about him/her, if yes i can totally forget you in a minutes i ain't truely fall for you...I guess i'll never understand love or i ain't belong to love???...=D
I still remember what bro Teng shared with us last time, he said that we will only appreciate what love is and know the meaning of love when we are alone, bro teng seems complicated in dealing his relationship will all the girls but bro you're right, sometimes you got the point!
Sometimes it is good to be alone, and honestly i respect those who live alone without struggling themselves into complicated relationship, they still can live up their days and know how to love themself. For those who are alone, it doesn't means that they are lonely, simply because those people know that they must know how to love themselves before they learn how to love others in the world...Much respect to them!!!=D
Love is just like a flame, HOT but easy to get hurt!!!
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