Keke Zanne here wanna show off what she so called "snake"time@ Malacca!!! I hv to pay 5 bulks in order to take pic with the snake and another 3 bulks for the fat lizard hehe... Actually I am doubt at first whether to go for it or not, But since Emily provided me fully support (she always 100% support one hah in anything we do) so I did it. We really had a GREAT time in Malacca. Malacca is really a good place to visit to that I never know before this, so we plan to go again if hv chance next time. Some pics taken which I called it "Snake"time (I think I am creative enough eh??...=P)
The man waiting for customer...Look at the fat lizard and snake lie on there...

SnakeMan and SnakeWomen gather together@Malacca???...=P

There you go Zanne Hunter!!!

Zanne VS.Snake, the snake in yellow is nice looking

Yeah Yeah Hore!!!

Zanne closed her eyes and syok-syok sendiri with the fat lizard eh???
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