Finally up...there are some pics we took on Day 3, we went to Butterworth, Ferigghi Beach, Gurney Drive and ended up our day@Penang Airport. Oh ya not forget to mention ya, we had a dangerous motor ride to Butterworth, we ride a motor and passby Penang Bridge, there are too many accident cases happens in Penang Bridge everyday, I feel a bit scary as this is the first time I drive a bike across the bridge but anyway, new experience in my life~
We stopped by at the sea side front of e-gate to snap some pics
Penang Bridge
Emily looking at Penang Bridge
At that time we saw a lovely couple taking their wedding photo album there so I am happy that I even have chance to do some snapshots keke, Happy Wedding!!!
Try to do some shots in B&W
Original pic with some effects on, got feel???...=P
Emily busy searching sea shell for her sis...
Emily there you go, add on a bit underpainting effect on this pic too~
One of my favourite shot for the day ~

This is my favourite shot that I like the most~Emily already get used with all her crazy photoprahpy amatuer friends and now can easily do whatever posting requested by Zanne hehe~

Then I found out there is another new way to shotUse your hand to cover the lens as the shape you would like it to appear in the pic and the result will turn out like this, phoebe you should try this out very CooL way to shot!!!
Then we arrived@Chung Ling Butterworth, Zanne's secondary school
7Years I has been in this school,It makes me think of a lot things happened last time when I was here,All the good ole times that we will only worry about play and how to hv funNo career worry, no financial burden@ that time...
But growing through the path will makes us stronger ain't it?
A view of CL main hall
My lovely secondary school with lots of sweet memories there~It's so true that we can't buy back some good memories and good ole times with money, I'll keep all the good one in my heart~
Long long time ago I was same as them,do the thing they are doing now and having lots of fun...=P
Emily posting on the ferry when we are on the way back to Penang
After this we head to Ferigghi Beach, another popular tourism place in PenangThis pic I took front of feringghi beach hotel

A funny couple on the beach who asked me to take a pic for them...=D
Pig people and Pig leg???hehe she said one not me...

Our shadow on the sea@Gurney Drive
After grabbed some foods@Gurney, it is still early so we went to Penang AirportHad a cup of CoffeeBean, erm I still think that Starbucks coffee is much more better than CoffeeBean, the ice blended I had i found out the quality is not as smooth ass Starbucks, disappointed!
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