Saturday, April 08, 2006

Enjoy the Silence...

I just feel like lazy to talk, again i know the reason that make me get lost, it shouldn't happen anymore but sigh the pain still come and hit my freaking poor heart...

I think i need a long run, as now i am lazy to talk, lazy to think, lazy to move, lazy and tired for no reason, i need some rest to refresh my mind, there are lot of things that always make me down, especially the one who conquered my freaking poor heart...

As time bypass, the pain will also bypass...

Again i get lost in my own world, no talk, no sad, no pain, there will only peace waiting for me!!!

I will enjoy the peace and the quiet alone~


Gareth said...

Well, from the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." =)

Rich7 said...

Hey dont give up girl, our trials are here to make us look up and be dependent on our creator.

I hate pain too, Ive felt it many times, but sometimes pain can be a gift and lead us on to better things.

Keep smiling, check my site out if you wish