Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Nah move again...dang!!!

Argh don't know why but since i have back in Malaysia, i feel so uncomfortable to share room with a roomate, i guess maybe i feel so free when the time i was in Canada, because i only need to share a house with one roomate, very comfortable and free environment, no disturb at all...

I have moved in to my current place when the sem started on July, share a god damn tiny room with a stranger, i don't even know my roomate before this, plus i have to bear with worst situation, six people sharing a bathroom. I really feel suffer and so uncomfortable as i am kinda person who always spend minimum of 15 minutes in bathroom, plus i just hate the room, kinda like sardin room, there is only very little space to walk. Actually when i moved here i only thinking that it could helps me to save some money, as there are so expensive to hv my private room. But, til now i surrendered, i feel unhappy with my current living place, although my roomate and housemates are quite friendly. I means ya, i need to have my personal space to relax, because currently i am studying and working at the same time, i am kinda quite person although most of the time people thought that i am talkative person...

I already found a new room for RM200, no refrigerator, no internet access(maybe will set it up later if ya hv enough money), no heather in the bathroom (don't know how do i feel if ya take a bath in the early morning), no cooking (i don't care about this as i am lazy to cook...=D), i satisfied with the new room where i am going to move in soon. There will be only 3 people in a house, i like it!!!

The only thing is, i need to find a person to fill in my place, sigh...i found it so hard man, hopefully i can find a new roomate to fill in my place as soon as possible so that i no need to pay for the rental, I am almost run out of money, sigh again. this is cruel life we always have to bear with it...

I am looking forward to move to new place in this coming Saturday, i hope i no need to move anymore after this~

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Oh yeah finally i reached 23 oh my god it's true i am getting older man, time past so fast~

Had a great birthday ya, received those lovely sms from my lovely friends we have Pei Sze, Yewei, Hooi Mei, Cindy, Irene, Pat, Bernice, my lil sis, my cousin, Reon, Jen, Kim, Eugene, Peter,Yan and so on...thanks so much for those wishes ya, special thanks to Jen and Kim as they came and find me at my working place and treat me an awesome dinner, we had western foodsss together yeah all of us are exchange students haha~back to the good ole times=>

Received a quote from my cute cute friend,Yewei"No dream is too high for those with their eyes in the sky"CoOL yes you're so right! I like the quote ya~

And again thanks Jen and Kim for the lovely dinner and great time we had spent together tonight, i'll keep the sweet memories in my mind forever~

Also thanks Pat, a girl who same birthday with me, we greets each others haha so Funny hey, so surprised that she's same birthday with me~Great to know her too

And my birthday's wish for this year, yes ya as i am almost to be graduated soon, i hope that i will have a successful career and be able to make more money to fight for my dreams, Yeah be a backpacker and travel around the world is my dream, i really wish i could do that~

Lastly,Happy birthday to me before the clock turn over 12!!!

Get ready for 23,SuZanne!!!
Ace it and make sure ya be the awesome one YEAH!!!